Plans change sometimes! We get it. Our cancellation policy is designed to give you as much flexibility as possible while making sure that the event runs smoothly.
Before you cancel, why not send someone else from your company in your place? Just send the full name and email of the substitute attendee to our Registration Team at before the event to start the transfer process.
If you do need to cancel, no worries - you can let the Registration Team know at You'll be eligible for a refund (with a $300 cancellation fee deducted) if you cancel by March 8, 2025 for EA Ignite Spring and September 4, 2025 for EA Ignite Fall. After these cancellation deadlines, no refunds will be issued as this impacts our ability to deliver a top-notch event experience to our attendees.
To read our cancellation policy in full, please refer to the Terms and Conditions that attendees agree to when registering.